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Answered By: William Gee Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024 Views: 3735
The ILLiad system is used by the ECU Libraries to manage the interlibrary loan and document delivery services that we provide for free to ECU students, faculty, and staff. ILLiad shows a current status of each of your requests at all times. Below is a full list of possible statuses with a short description of each and why a request might be at that status. If you have a question about your request or its status, please contact us at 252-328-6068 or
Awaiting Accounts Payable – We have been invoiced for this item because it is long overdue or reported by you to be lost or damaged. We are waiting for your payment. Please contact us to resolve your account.
Awaiting ALA Processing - This item was not found in libraries that use the computerized request system we use, so we are sending the request via email, fax, or call to a potential lending library.
Awaiting Conditional Processing – This status means one of three things: 1) A potential lending library has replied that it may be able provide the item if more information can be supplied by the ILL staff (cost, format, citation clarification, etc.); 2) A potential lender cannot supply the item but is giving the ILL staff some helpful information on how to obtain it from another lender; 3) A potential lender has refused to provide the material and is explaining why. In all three cases, the ILL staff will review your request and attempt to request it from other potential lenders if possible.
Awaiting Copyright Clearance - The request is awaiting review to determine if any copyright fees need to be paid by the library. Once determined, the request will be sent out to libraries to fulfill.
Awaiting Customer Contact - The requested item has arrived and is being processed by the ILL staff. An email and/or text will be sent letting you know that the item is available to pick up (or is being shipped to you).
Awaiting DD Stacks Searching- We are in the process of searching the library's collections for the requested item.
Awaiting Denied Renewal Processing – The lending library has refused the renewal request. An email and/or text will be sent letting you know the due date.
Awaiting Direct Request Sending – ILLiad is using the ISBN, ISSN, or OCLC number you provided in your request or a library employee has entered to send your request to other libraries. ILLiad sends requests to the outside network about every 10 minutes.
Awaiting Doc Del Customer Contact - This requested item has been found within our library’s collections and has been processed for you. You will receive an email informing you that it is available (or, if you are Distance Education, that we have shipped it to you).
Awaiting Doc Del Customer Contact - We have located and prepared the requested item from our collections, for shipment to you. You will receive an email from us indicating that it is being shipped to you.
Awaiting Doc Del Scanning- We have located your requested item in our collections and are in the process of scanning it. You will receive an email from us with a link to a PDF version of the document as soon as possible (usually within hours, or the next weekday).
Awaiting Document Delivery Processing - You have submitted this request to us for something that is owned in the ECU Libraries' collections. We will review your request and attempt to fulfill it as soon as possible (usually within the same weekday it was submitted or the next weekday). If we are unable to provide it from our collections, we will send the request to another library.
Awaiting Extensive Searching – We have not yet found a library through our normal means that is able and willing to provide the requested item. We are continuing to search. If you no longer need this material, please let us know.
Awaiting NB Review – This request matches some of the criteria for our purchase-on-demand service. A librarian will review the request to determine if the library should purchase a copy for its collections rather than borrowing it from a lending library.
Awaiting OCLC Sending - The ILLiad system is sending your request to outside libraries through the OCLC resource sharing network.
Awaiting Odyssey Processing - The requested item has arrived through the Odyssey electronic delivery system, or we are preparing to scan the requested article from a print or microform edition. You will be emailed when the document is available online as a PDF.
Awaiting Patron Reply – We have questions about your request that need your input, such as: citation clarification, format usability (microfilm, DVD, etc.), language (Japanese, Spanish, English only, etc.), loan restrictions (cannot leave the library building), etc. You will receive an email from us with our questions; please contact us as soon as you can at 252-328-6068 or so we can continue to work on filling your request.
Awaiting Post Receipt Processing - The requested item has arrived and is being processed by the ILL staff. You will be notified by email when the item is available.
Awaiting Purchase – The library has purchased the item you requested either because we could not find it from a lending library willing to lend it or because we decided that it would be a good addition to the ECU Libraries' collections.
Awaiting RAPID Local Request Processing - The automated RapidILL system has identified that the ECU Libraries might have your requested document in our electronic, print, or microform collections. We will check if we do and let you know. If we do not have it, we will send your request to other libraries to be filled.
Awaiting RAPID Local Sending - We have identified that Joyner Library does not have the article you requested in our collections. We are sending your request to the automated RapidILL system to fulfill.
Awaiting RAPID Request Sending - The automated RapidILL system is sending your request to libraries to be filled. Libraries that participate in RapidILL often fulfill a request within 24 hours.
Awaiting RAPID Unfilled Processing - The automated RapidILL system was unable to fulfill your request. We will verify the citation and send your request to other libraries to be filled.
Awaiting Recalled Processing - The lending library has informed us that the borrowed item is needed back immediately (usually because the lending library's patron needs it). You will be notified by email that you should return the material. If you still need to consult this title, please let the interlibrary loan staff know so we can attempt to borrow the title from another library for you.
Awaiting Request Processing - The ILL staff will review your request, check for availability, and send it to potential lenders.
Awaiting Return Label Processing - The item has been returned to the ILL office. The ILL staff are processing it for return it to the lending library.
Awaiting Unfilled Processing – The request has thus far been denied by libraries we have asked. ILL staff will review your request and ask additional lending libraries or explore other options.
Awaiting Unfilled/Conditional Processing – The lending libraries we have asked to fill your request have either declined or asked follow-up questions. The ILL staff will review the request and process it accordingly.
Canceled By Customer - We show that you canceled this request. If you did so in error, please let us know so that we can reinstate your request.
Canceled By ILL Staff - The ILL staff canceled this request. You will receive an email explaining the reason. Contact the ILL staff with any questions and to discuss options.
Checked Out to Customer - Our records show that you have this item checked-out, or that it has been shipped to you.
Customer Notified via E-Mail - We have notified you by email that the requested item has arrived for you and is at the requested delivery location, Joyner Library or the Music Library. Please verify the library's circulation desk is open before coming to the library to pick up the item:
Delivered to Web - Your requested document has been posted to our web server for you to access within the next 30 days. You will receive an email with a direct link to access. You may also click on the Transaction Number in your ILLiad account ( to open the document. If you have trouble locating or opening the file, please let us know.
Doc Del Library patron Notified via E-Mail - We have found your requested item, processed it, and sent you an email that it is available (or, if you are Distance Education, that we have shipped it to you).
En Route to Music Library - Your requested item has arrived and has been sent to the Music Library. You will receive an email and/or text call once it is ready to pick up. Please keep in mind that shipment across campus can take one-two weekdays.
Holding - Awaiting DE Customer Contact - We are in the process of shipping the requested item to you. You will receive an email indicating this.
Holding - Awaiting DE Music Processing - Your requested item is owned by ECU's Music Library, so we have asked them to process the request. You will be notified when the item is available or if there are any problems.
Holding - Awaiting DE Processing - Your requested item is owned by ECU's Joyner Library. The library's staff will process your request (usually the same or next weekday). You will be notified by email when the item is available or if there are any problems.
Holding - Awaiting DE Stacks Searching - We are locating the requested item in the library's collections.
Holding - Awaiting PH Music Processing - The item you requested is owned by ECU's Music Library. The ILL staff have informed the Music Library staff to pull the item for you. You will be emailed by the Music Library once the item is ready for you to pick up.
Holding - Awaiting PH Processing - The item you requested is owned by ECU's Joyner Library. The ILL staff have informed Joyner Circulation staff to pull the item for you. You will be emailed by Joyner Circulation once the item is ready for you to pick up.
In DD Stacks Searching -- Library staff are looking for your requested item in Joyner Library. You will be notified by email (usually within a few hours) if the item is available or not.
In DD Stacks Searching – Music – The requested item is housed at the Music Library. We have forwarded your request to the Music Library staff for processing.
In Document Delivery Print Queue- We are in the process of printing your request's pull slip so we can then search the library's collection.
In Print Queue - We are preparing your requested item for you. You will receive an email (usually within a few minutes) alerting you that the item is available.
In Return Address Print Queue - You have returned the item to the ILL office. We are preparing to return it to the lending library.
In Transit to Pickup Location – We have received the item you requested and, in accordance with your delivery option, it is being taken to the Music Library for pick up there. You will receive an email once the item is available at the Music Library.
Incorrect Item Received and Returned - An item was received that does not match what was requested. It has been returned to the lender, and your request is being re-sent. We are sorry for the delay.
Item Checked In - You or someone else has returned this borrowed item. We will now return it to the lending library.
Item Returned - We have returned the borrowed item to the lending library.
Lender Status Update - A lending library reports that it has sent this item to us, but we have not received it yet. We are asking the library for an update on the status, or to re-send the item.
Library Use Only – The library from which we borrowed this item requires that it remain in the library only while you consult it.
Lost Invoicing: Pending - Our records show that this item is overdue and might be lost. We are investigating by contacting the lending library and you to resolve this.
Outside Reply - We currently have not been able to locate the item you requested. We have asked a colleague, additional lending library, or another organization or vendor for assistance with your request.
Patron Claims Returned – You have informed us that you remember having returned this item; however, our system does not show it as returned. We are searching for the item and contacting the lending library to verify the status of the item. If you returned the item by UPS using one of our provided labels, we are contacting UPS to track the package. We encourage you to continue looking for the item among your belongings.
Patron Transfer – Due to your major, degree program, or office of employment, your ILLiad user account is being transferred along with your requests to either Joyner Library or Laupus Health Sciences Library.
Purchased – Awaiting Receipt – The requested material has been purchased because it could not be borrowed or we decided that it would be a good addition to the library's collection. We will notify you via email and/or text when the item arrives (usually within a few days).
Recall / Hold - The requested item is either checked-out or is currently on hold for someone else. Your request has been placed on hold while we ask either if the current user still needs the item, or it can be returned. If we are unable to obtain this item quickly, you may request it through Interlibrary Loan from another library.
Recalled by Lender - The lending library has notified us that its wants this item returned quickly. The previously assigned due date has been nullified. Please return this item to Joyner Library or the Music Library as soon as possible. You will receive an email from the ILLiad system alerting you to this change in status. If you need the material further, we can request it from another library.
Received Partial/Incorrect Item - A library provided us items, but it does not exactly match what you requested. Examples include: part of it is missing (e.g. only one volume sent of a two volume set) or the wrong year/edition was sent (e.g. 2005 1st edition instead of the 2010 2nd edition). We are contacting the lending library, and other libraries, to locate the specific items you requested.
Request Finished – This can mean three things: 1) Your requested item was obtained, you were emailed to pick it up, it was made available to you (whether or not you picked it up), and has been returned to the lending library (either when you returned it or when it was due); 2) If your requested item were provided to you as a PDF online, it has aged out after 60 days due to copyright and has been deleted automatically from the server; 3) If you are a Distance Education student, and if the item was found within our local collections, the item was shipped to you by UPS and was checked out on your Joyner Circulation account instead of your ILLiad account.
Request Held Until [date] – The request cannot be filled at this time, but is expected to be filled in the near future (usually within several weeks). This status is most often used when an item is owned by only a few libraries and all currently report it is checked out. Other times this status is used for requests for newly published items, and over holiday breaks when many libraries close. The ILL staff will attempt to fulfill the request again on or around the stated date. If this date is near or after your time of need, please let us know.
Request In Processing - This request is currently being processed by us. Check back to see the next status.
Request Sent – ALA – The ILL staff cannot locate a lender who uses the automated ILL system, but has manually asked a potential lender to lend it. ALA requests often take longer to process than automated requests. We will send you an email when the item arrives. If your request has been at this status for a long time, please let us know.
Request Sent – Laupus ILLiad – We have found that ECU's Laupus Health Sciences Library owns the item you requested. We have asked Laupus Library to send it to Joyner Library for you. Please keep in mind that shipment across town can take several weekdays.
Request Sent – This request has been sent to potential lenders and we are waiting for the item to be shipped to us. Requests for items we have purchased instead of borrowing, will also be in this queue until the item arrives for pick up.
RUSH Request Processing – You have informed us that the requested item is urgently needed. We are attempting to obtain it using more expedited (and sometimes more expensive) methods than usual.
Submitted by Customer - You have submitted the request and we have yet to begin processing it.
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This may be the most helpful document I've ever found explaining statuses in ILL at SU on May 04, 2022