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Answered By: William Gee
Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024     Views: 341

The ECU Libraries offer both streaming videos and physical DVDs and Blu-ray discs. Streaming videos may be searched for in the various streaming video databases. To find DVDs and some of the streaming videos in the ECU Libraries' collections, use the Library Catalog; instructions for doing so follow. 

  • If you know the title of the material, change the All Fields option beside the search box to Title and type in the title of the video in the search box and then click Search
  • If you aren't looking for a known title, leave the All Fields option beside the search box as it is and then enter your search words (e. g. actor or subject) in the search box. If you only want DVDs or Streaming Videos, you may set a limit on your search by format type. Look to the left of the screen for the Format box, then select the type of material you would like (e. g. Video (Streaming) or Video (DVD)) and then click Search. Alternatively, you may enter your search words in the search box and then add and (video* or dvd) beside it before clicking Search; using the asterisk includes all types that start with 'video.' For example, to find videos and DVDs starring Katharine Hepburn, you may search for: katharine hepburn and (video* or dvd)
  • If you want to get a general idea of the types of videos and DVDs the library has, try All Fields searches with either the format limit selected or added drama and (video* or dvd) to your search.
  • You may also want to try Subject searches for terms like comedy films and feature films.
  • If you are not finding what you expect, please ask us for assistance.  

Once you have found the material you need, pay close attention to the call number and location. Most DVDs and Blu-Ray disks are located in the basement in Joyner Library. Some video titles and most CDs are located in the Music Library.

For your convenience, the Circulation Desk has some DVD/Blu-Ray players available to check out. The Music Library also has equipment for playing some audio and video formats: click for details.

If you're not finding videos that meet your needs, please suggest a purchase or request the title you want through the interlibrary loan service, which will attempt to borrow the video from another library for you for free.


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