Please note:

Answered By: William Gee
Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024     Views: 170

Joyner and Music Libraries

ECU faculty, staff, and students may authorize other people to check-out and pick up materials on their behalf from the Joyner and Music Libraries. Please email from your ECU email account to authorize access for another to check-out circulating or interlibrary loan items. Please include in the email your name and Banner number, the name of the other person being granted authorization, and the time period that the other person is authorized to use your account (e.g. one-time only, for specific semesters, indefinitely). Non-ECU affiliates may not authorize others to borrow materials on their account. For more information, contact the Circulation desk at 252-328-6518 for Joyner Library and 252-328-6250 for the Music Library.

Student and staff assistants may also request materials via the interlibrary loan service for faculty members. To do so, assistants need to either login to ILLiad using the faculty member's account (not recommended, though), or create a secondary Research Account in ILLiad in the name of the faculty member for use by assistants. The faculty member must send an email authorizing the creation and use of a Research Account for interlibrary loan. Assistants should not request interlibrary loans in their own names for faculty use; see another FAQ for why. For more information contact the Interlibrary Loan staff at 252-328-6068 or jis@ecu.ecu.

Laupus Health Sciences Library 

ECU Faculty can authorize individuals to check out materials from Laupus Health Sciences Library on their behalf.  Using the form below, print the document on university letterhead and bring it to the service desk at Laupus Library.  The designated individual(s) must show their picture ID at the time of checkout.

Please contact 252-744-2219 if you have any questions or need more information.

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