Please note:

Answered By: William Gee
Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024     Views: 157

Often faculty members will ask their assistants, whether graduate student, undergraduate, or staff, to place interlibrary loan requests on their behalf. Sometimes faculty do not have their own ILLiad account, so they ask that you request materials on your personal ILLiad account. Other times, faculty will give you their ILLiad login information so you can access their personal ILLiad account. As you can imagine, neither method is ideal, as requesting materials in your name for anyone else makes you responsible for the materials (and any fines or lost/damage replacement costs) and it can skew the usage statistics that help us determine what types of materials the library needs to purchase. Using someone else's account is equally dangerous because then that person is responsible for anything requested (and any fines or lost/damaged replacement costs) and does not have any privacy to request personal titles.

Joyner Library offers an alternative -- have a special ILLiad account created in the faculty member's name for use by their assistants. Emails can be sent to the faculty member, the department, or to an assistants' e-mail account. Authorization to pick up materials from the library for the faculty member can be granted to several assistants. This separate account allows both the faculty member and their assistants to have distinct ILLiad accounts for their own research, while also having the flexibility of having an account dedicated to the faculty member's research. [If you use Laupus Health Sciences Library's Interlibrary Loan service, please contact their staff to discuss options.]

You can create such an ILLiad account by contacting the Joyner Library Interlibrary Loan office or by registering as a new ILLiad user. Before you register, discuss doing so with the faculty member and gain their approval; ask that the faculty member send the Interlibrary Loan staff an e-mail approving the creation of the account. Once you have gotten approval from the faculty member, please follow the instructions below as you create a new ILLiad user account. Don't worry that ILLiad will refer to the account as a "non-ECU" account -- it just means that the research account does not use ECU's PirateID and Passphrase system to login.

  • Name: faculty member's
  • Department: faculty member's
  • Status: Research Account
  • Primary Mailing Address, E-mail, & Phone: faculty member's, department's, or your own -- whatever is desired
  • Authorized Users: whoever should have access to the account and borrowed materials
  • Username: the faculty member's full email address, including "" 
  • Password: whatever you choose - share with all who will use the account, especially with the faculty member

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