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Answered By: Christine Andresen
Last Updated: Aug 08, 2023     Views: 118

Access CINAHL (search by CINAHL heading)

  1. Break down your search into simple concepts.
    • For example, if you want articles on the use of pet therapy for people with mental disorders you will do two separate searches:
      • one search for pet therapy
      • a second search for mental disorders
  2. Type your first concept into the search box (in this example: pet therapy)
    • You will be taken to a screen with different CINAHL headings to choose from
    • Choose the heading that best meets your needs and click the box to the left of that term
    • Once you click the green 'Search Database' button you will be able to view your results and search history
  3. Enter your next concept into the search box (in this example: mental disorders) and follow the same process as you did in step 2
    • Once you've entered each of your concepts, you are ready to combine your search sets
      • Check the boxes to the left of your search terms and click the button labeled 'Search with AND'
    • You have many options for limiting the search results. Your search can be refined to:
      • limit results to display articles published in a certain time period (ie. the last five years)
      • limit to display articles in a certain publication type (ie. peer reviewed or randomized control trial)
      • and many additional options
    • Click on the PDF or HTML or Find It! icons to locate the full text of an article.

Use the PDF attached below for step-by-step instructions with screenshots!

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