Place Hold
The Place Hold service allows you to ask library employees to pull items from the ECU Libraries' shelves for your use and, if the item is currently checked out, allows you to be added to a waiting list to be notified when the checked out item is returned. You may place a hold on materials in Joyner Library, the Music Library, and Laupus Health Sciences Library and choose the library where you would like to pick up the items. Please note that equipment, such as laptops and cameras, cannot be transferred between libraries; you'll need to pick up equipment from the library that owns it and return it to that same library.
Faculty & Staff Office Delivery, Renewals, and Returns
Faculty and staff who have offices on campus may request delivery of items to their departmental offices using the place hold service. For faculty and staff who have offices located in areas off the contiguous main campus or in the health sciences campus, items will be sent through campus mail. Faculty and staff on the contiguous main campus may also request in-office renewals and returns. Equipment is not delivered to or picked up from employee offices.
Getting Checked Out Items Sooner
If the library item you want is currently checked out or otherwise not available, ECU faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to place an interlibrary loan request to have another copy borrowed from another library for your use. This service is free. Please note that requested books and media may take a week or longer to arrive and the loan period is typically 30-60 days, sometimes with the possibility of one renewal.
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