Copies of old ECU yearbooks are located in the University Archives on fourth floor of Joyner Library. In addition, duplicate copies are located in the closed stack area of the North Carolina Collection (3rd floor). Yearbooks are available from 1923-2012. Volumes were published from 1926 through 1952 as the Tecoan and from 1953 through 1976,1979 through 1990, and 2006 through 2008 as the Buccaneer. Volumes were not published in 1977, 1978, and from 1991 through 2005. The first volume was published as a substitute for the spring issue of the Teachers Training Quarterly. In 1992 the Media Board began creating video yearbooks called the Treasure Chest . Several videotapes were created covering the period from 1992 through 1994. These videotapes are available in the basement of Joyner Library and can be found under the call number LD 1741 .E44 T73.
There are a limited number of yearbooks from the Brody School of Medicine available at the Laupus Health Sciences Library. They are located in the History of Medicine Collection at call number W 19 M488. The earlier volumes were published under the title Med est and the following are available: 1981-1986, 1990, 1995, 1996 {note: 1995 titled Medicator; 1996 titled Review of Systems}. Volumes from 1997-2005 and 2007 are entitled The Fugue.
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