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Answered By: William Gee
Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024     Views: 252

Often times, yes. If you are searching in one of ECU Libraries' many databases, you might see a  Serial Solutions button or the text Find It! Or you may use the link to Request this item through Interlibrary Loan to automatically enter the citation details in to your ILLiad account. 

The "Find It!" button, which you can see in One Search and many databases allows you to search for full-text access across multiple databases for the item at which you are looking, to search for the item in the Library Catalog, and sometimes to automatically complete interlibrary loan request forms in ILLiad.

How to use Serial Solutions

When you search in many of the ECU Libraries' online resources, you might see the Serial Solutions button next to citations. When you click on it, a new webpage will open with options for electronic resources, print collections, and interlibrary loan, among others. Sometimes instead of the button, just the words Find It! or similar text (Interlibrary Loan, Request This, etc.) will be shown.

Electronic Articles & E-book

If the full-text of the item is available in one of the ECU Libraries' databases or other online content, Serial Solutions will give you a list of one or more databases that should have the desired article or e-book for you. Choose the resource that has the publication year you need. Sometimes the database will open directly to the article or e-book chapter. Other times, a list of volumes will be displayed from which you will need to select the one you need. Other times, a search box will be displayed for you to enter the title of the article, book, or chapter you want. Most documents will be displayed in a PDF or HTML file format. 

Print & Microform Articles

If the article is not found full-text in any of the library's databases, Serial Solutions next allows you to easily search Joyner Library's catalog to see if the item is available in our print collection. By clicking on the catalog entry, the catalog will perform a search for the desired title. If the item is found, check the holdings information to see if the library owns the volume or year you want. If so, you should make note of the call number and location in the building so you can find it when you visit the library, or use the Place Hold feature in the catalog to request that the item be held for you at the Circulation desk.

If you primarily use Joyner Library or the Music Library and you are an ECU student, faculty, staff member, distance education patron, or member of the Friends of Joyner Library, you may request the library to scan the article for you through interlibrary loan service. 

Interlibrary Loan Articles

If neither full-text nor print or media holdings are available, you may click on the Request this item through Interlibrary Loan or similar text. This will open the ECU Libraries' interlibrary loan program, ILLiad. (You will need to have created an ILLiad account to log-in; if you do not have an ILLiad account, see below.) Once you log-in to ILLiad, a request form often will automatically open with all of the citation information already filled into the correct fields by the Serial Solutions tool. Simply review the form to ensure everything is complete, being sure to enter any comments in the Notes field that might be helpful to the library staff, and click "Submit". If you keep the ILLiad Main Menu open in one window while continuing your searching in another window, you will not have to log-in to ILLiad again the next time you click on Serial Solutions interlibrary loan link.

  • ECU students, faculty, and staff who do not have an ILLiad account will be prompted to register the first time you login. You will use your PirateID and Passphrase to login, as you do in Banner, Canvas, and your ECU email account.
  • Users without an ECU PirateID will need to register either with Joyner Library or Laupus Health Sciences Library first before logging-in -- see this page for details on the difference. Unfortunately, if you have to create an ILLiad account, the citation data from your search is sometimes lost. If that happens, you will need to leave ILLiad's Main Menu open and go back to your citation or search screen and click on the interlibrary loan link again.

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