Please note:
Answered By: William Gee Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024 Views: 374
Unfortunately, some interlibrary loan requests cannot be found in any libraries that are willing or able to lend, digitally scan, or photocopy the requested materials. Other times, we find that the ECU Libraries already own what was requested, so we instead refer you to those locally-owned materials. Additionally, some Document Delivery requests for items owned by the ECU Libraries cannot be filled (e.g. checked out, missing, in a non-circulating collection).
For details on specific reasons for cancelation by Joyner Library's Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery service, read the sections below or contact the Joyner Library Interlibrary Loan office at or 252-328-6068.
For details on specific reasons for cancelation by Laupus Health Sciences Library, please contact the Laupus Interlibrary Loan staff.
For Joyner Library Interlibrary Loan
Sometimes requests made through Joyner Interlibrary Loan Borrowing must be canceled. Reasons for cancelation and their explanations are listed below and, when applicable, what other options might exist.
- Available – Current Periodicals: The item you have requested is available in the library's periodicals collection. Ask at the Circulation Desk or the Research & Instructional Services Desk if you need assistance locating the item in the library.
- Available – Google Books: The item you have requested is available through the Google Books site. Simply search for the title and read the book online.If you need a print copy instead of the online version, contact the ILL Staff.
- Available – Microforms/GovDoc: The item you have requested is available in Joyner Library's microforms or government documents collections in the lower level of the library. Ask at the Circulation Desk or at the Research & Instructional Services Desk if you need assistance locating the item in the library.
- Available – Newly Acquired: This item has recently been purchased by the library and is still in the cataloging process. You may place a Rush Cataloging Request to have this item expedited for your use.
- Available – Online through Library Catalog: The item you requested is available full-text online and a link to the document may be found directly in our catalog. Simply perform your search for the item using the title of the book or journal and click on the link in the record. If you need help accessing the document or using the catalog, please contact the Research & Instructional Services.
- Available – Reference: The item you have requested is available in the library's reference collection. Ask at the Circulation Desk or the Research & Instructional Services Desk if you need assistance locating the item in the library.
- Available – Reserve: The item you have requested is available in the library's reserve collection located at the Circulation Desk. If you are unable to come to the library to use the Reserves copy, contact the ILL Staff.
- Available – Special Collections: The item you requested is available in the library's Rare Books & Manuscripts or University Archives on the fourth floor of Joyner Library. See our floor maps or ask at a service desk for directions.
- Audio Book - No library was found that would lend the desired audio format of this title. If you have a visual impairment, please contact Disability Support Services. Otherwise, contact the ILL Staff to ask if the print book is available..
- Duplicate Request: Another request for this item by you exists in the system and is being searched. There is no need to follow-up on this request, as the other one is being processed. Duplicates are often created accidentally by refreshing your internet browser immediately after submitting a request in ILLiad.
- Library Account Blocked: Either the Circulation Department has placed a block on your ILL account for non-payment of circulation fines, usually for overdue or lost items, or the ILL Department has blocked your account for failure to return overdue items or to pay outstanding invoices for lost or damaged items. Contact Circulation and/or the ILL Staff at or 252-328-6068 to clear your account and to reactivate your ILL request.
- Library is purchasing on demand for your use - In lieu of borrowing a book, the library will decide to purchase a copy to add to the library's collection. The item you requested has been purchased under this service. You will be notified by email, usually within a week, that the item has arrived and is available for you to pick up at the Circulation Desk.
- No Reply to E-Mail Follow-Up: The ILL Staff had a question about your request and emailed you for clarification. Having not heard back from you or having somehow overlooked your reply, the ILL Staff canceled your request on the assumption that you no longer needed the material. If you still want this material, contact the ILL Staff.
- Other: Please contact the ILL Staff for an explanation.
- Patron Requested Cancelation: The ILL Staff received notification that you no longer wanted this material. If you still want the material, contact the ILL Staff to reactivate your request.
- Testing: If your request was canceled for this reason, contact the ILL Staff. This reason should only be used by ILL staff to clear fake requests being used to test the functionality of the ILLiad system. It is likely that your request was mistakenly canceled.
- Too new for interlibrary loan: The requested item has either not yet been published or is not yet owned by libraries that are willing to lend it. You may suggest that Joyner Library purchase it.
- Unable to Borrow Thesis/Dissertation: Your request is for a thesis or dissertation. We were unable to obtain a loan or a copy of the document. Some libraries do not loan their theses or dissertations because the copy that is owned is the only one in existence in the world. Copyright laws often prohibit libraries from copying entire books. If this book is vital to your research, contact the ILL Staff to learn where you could perhaps physically visit to access the document. Some authors, though, have restricted access to their work, so it might not be available at all. Sometimes these unique documents have been lost or were never kept by the college or university, so are not available anymore.
- Unable to fulfill your request as cited: We could not find the requested item with the information you gave us. Please check your sources and inform the ILL Staff of any clarifications so we can attempt your request again.
- We could not fill your request by your deadline: You entered a Not Wanted After / Need Before date that we could not meet. If you could still make use of this item if it could be found within another few days or weeks, contact the ILL Staff.
- We have exhausted all possible sources: No libraries, document providers, or other sources were located that could or would provide the material requested by you. If you need this material for your research, contact the ILL Staff to learn where you could physically visit to access the material. Research & Instructional Services might also be able to help you locate other resources to meet your research needs.
For Joyner Library Document Delivery
Sometimes requests made through Joyner Library's Document Delivery service must be canceled. Reasons for cancelation are listed below with an an explanation and, when applicable, what other options may exist.
- Duplicate Request: Another request for this item by you exists in the system and is being searched. There is no need to follow-up on this request.
- Library Account Blocked: Either the Circulation Department has placed a block on your ILL account for non-payment of circulation fines, usually for overdue or lost items, or you have overdue Interlibrary Loan materials. Contact Circulation and the ILL staff ( or 252-328-6068) to resolve your account. Once resolved, we can process your requests again.
- Not Able to Supply by Your Deadline: You entered a Not Wanted After / Need Before date that we could not meet. If you can use this item within another few days or weeks, please let ILL staff know.
- Not Immediately Available: The item you requested cannot be supplied to you from Joyner Library at this time because it is on order, checked out, missing, at the bindery, not yet published, or otherwise unavailable. If you could use the item in 1-2 weeks, let us know and we'll attempt to obtain it from an outside library through Interlibrary Loan. For details, contact the ILL staff.
- Other: Please contact the ILL staff for an explanation.
- Patron Requested Cancellation: The ILL Staff received notification that you no longer wanted this material. If you still want the material, contact the ILL staff ( to reactivate your request.
- Place Hold: Since your requested item is owned by Joyner Library, the ILL staff transferred your request to Circulation to provide through its Place Hold service. Circulation will notify you by email when the item is ready for you.
- Special Collections: Materials in this collection cannot be loaned or photocopied by the ILL Staff. You will need to access this material in the Rare Books & Manuscripts or University Archives in Joyner Library or arrange with them directly for photocopies to be made.
- Testing: If your request was canceled for this reason, contact the ILL staff. This reason should only be used by ILL Staff to clear fake requests being used to test the functionality of the ILLiad system. It is likely that your request was accidentally canceled.
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